

Friday, January 6, 2017

How to Improve Your Home’s Air Quality

familystock_DEEscaping from the smog filled streets of the city to the safe confines of your home would often bring about a sense of relief. After all, you feel as though you had stepped into a totally different and serene world, but is that really true? How else are you able to ensure that the indoor air quality of your home is superior to that on the outside? There are several methods in which you can proactively take in order to improve the indoor air quality of your home.

Ensure that the floors remain clean

This is a no-brainer, and yet it is one of the most overlooked steps. Over the years, both chemicals and allergens are able to accumulate as household dust, so it is prudent that you invest in a decent vacuum cleaner that has strong suction power, a HEPA filter, and rotating brushes that ensure dirt will not be blown right out of the exhaust. Regular vacuuming of your home will be able to help reduce the concentrations of lead in the vicinity, in addition to other unseen toxins such as brominated fire-retardant chemicals (PBDEs), and allergens such as pollen, pet fur, and dust mites. Walls, the edges of the carpet, furniture with upholstery are other common places that should be cleaned regularly.

Mop your place

Mopping should be the natural next step after a good vacuum. It will be able to ensure that whatever dust that remains will be picked up, where a simple pail of water and a mop should be able to do the trick. Of course, you will also be able to explore the possibility of mixing it up with an environmentally-friendly cleaning solution in order to get that nice smell or to prevent insects from crawling all over the place. It would be best if you invested in one of those microfiber mops and dust cloths which will be able to pick up more dirt and dust as opposed to traditional fibers.

Maintain the right humidity level

Both dust mites and mold are automatically drawn to moisture, so ensuring that the humidity level remains around 30%-50% would be able to keep mold as well as allergens under control. A dehumidifier ought to be able to do the job as it helps reduce the amount of moisture in the air, while an air conditioner during the summer months will be able to reduce indoor pollen count.

Quit smoking

Kicking the cigarette habit cannot be underlined enough, so make sure the home ends up as a no-smoking zone. Smoking has been pointed out to possibly be the most important aspect of indoor air pollution, carrying thousands of toxins and chemicals in the form of second hand smoke that is detrimental to the health of all those who inhale it.

Get an air purifier or air cleaner

Permatron has a slew of air purifying solutions that you are able to explore, and it does not matter whether your home is a large mansion with many rooms, or a shoebox apartment that has barely enough room to move around. Everyone deserves to breathe in clean, fresh air, and an air purifier will be another step in the right direction.


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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Top Reasons to Change your Air Filter this Winter

house-554955_640The law of entropy is constantly at work all around us. This explains why we need to have a proper maintenance and upkeep program for all of our possessions, especially mechanical ones that would require a change in parts from time to time. The air filter for your home’s heating and cooling system might be an overlooked yet essential item in any household, and there are very good reasons why you should change it as the fury of winter kicks into full swing.

First of all, it is best to have your heating and air conditioning system serviced by a licensed contractor as they would be in the best position to advise you on whether it is time for an air filter upgrade to suit your needs. In addition, they would know just which brand names in the air filter market are suitable for your HVAC system, with Permatron being one of the leading names in the industry as they can back up their products with quality, a warranty and 60 years of air filtration design and manufacturing experience.

Increase the system’s lifespan

The main reason that an air filter needs to be changed in your HVAC system– not just cleaned — is to increase its lifespan. After all, a clean air filter in a well-maintained air conditioner or furnace would require less work for the compressor, motor and other internal components since it provides a smoother passage for air to flow through. This will in turn reduce the chances of overheating, which happens when air finds it difficult to make its way through the filter and into the ventilation ducts. It’s also a good way of lowering the amount of power consumption in the process.

Air quality improvement

No doubt a brand new air filter will offer a better quality of air in your home. During the winter season, the danger of allergies has not disappeared altogether. The air filter acts, more often than not, as the first line of defense in any home or office when it comes to blocking nasty allergens from making their way in. Those who are suffering from asthma will also appreciate the cleaner air when indoors. An old and dirty filter will deliver a negative impact on the overall air quality indoors. For those of us who have pets around the home, replacing the air filter will also help reduce the amount of pet dander.

A hassle-free holiday season

Let’s face it. The holiday season can be stressful enough as it is already — a list of presents that you need to purchase as you elbow your way through long checkout lines, family gatherings, and a million other things that can go wrong (i.e. overcooked turkey.) Why not change the air filter in your home to reduce one more possible intervention of Murphy’s Law this winter? You can then go about your business while knowing that your heating and air solutions will work better and use less energy, which saves you more money in the process as they are in optimal running condition throughout the winter and are also well-positioned to face the coming year.


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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Three deadly diseases that you can prevent with air filters

stethoscope-840125_640Air pollution is an unavoidable consequence of modern life. The enormous increase in the number of cars, trucks, other vehicles, and factories have resulted in more and more airborne pollutants. When these pollutants go unchecked, they can wreak havoc on our health, sometimes contributing to serious respiratory illnesses. In fact, as of March 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that around 7 million people have died prematurely as a result of air pollution, making it the single most dangerous environmental health risk. Using a high quality air filter in your HVAC system will help protect your throat and lungs from airborne pollutants that can cause health problems.  The following have been named as the top three health effects of indoor air pollution.


Stroke, the third-leading cause of death among Americans, is the most common disease that has been linked with indoor air pollution. A study published in the July 2008 issue of Annals of Neurology revealed a causal connection between particulate matter (particles released by factory smokestacks, vehicle exhaust, pollens, mold, soot, and other sources) and incidences of both ischemic stroke as well as transient ischemic attacks (TIA). TIA are also known as ‘mini-strokes’ and often lead to full ischemic strokes later. Even more disturbing is that the study was conducted in an area of relatively low air pollution, implying that homes in industrial areas are in even greater danger. Lead researcher Linda Lisabeth says, “The vast majority of the public is exposed to ambient air pollution at the levels observed in this community or greater every day, suggesting a potentially large public health impact.” Strokes are more common among the elderly, albeit people of all ages can experience them, including children.

Heart Disease

Air pollution has also been shown to be a contributing factor in the development of ischaemic heart disease. The WHO confirms that heart disease is the number two most fatal disease caused by indoor air pollution. Getting rid of air pollution has been found to lower several major risk factors for heart disease. According to Dr. Clifford Bassett of Allergy and Asthma Care of New York, ‘just being exposed to air pollution can increase your heart rate, your blood pressure.’ Lowering your exposure to airborne particles also can also reduce inflammation and improve the health of the lining of the blood vessels. At least one study has also discovered that the use of air filters has a measurable effect on both inflammation and interior artery lining. According to Dr. Leroy Rabbini of New York Presbyterian Hospital, “Anything that we can do to improve the health of the inner lining of the arteries as well as to reduce inflammation will ultimately down the line lead to fewer heart attacks.”

Lung Cancer

According to the WHO, lung cancer causes 6% of deaths caused by indoor air pollution. Household dust has been found to contain toxic, cancer-causing chemicals of a surprising range and quantity. A recent study reported that 45 toxic chemicals were found in the dust of US households. What’s more, ten of these chemicals could be found in 90% of the homes tested. Since most of this dust collects on the ground, children are the most vulnerable members of the household. The study reports that the most common chemicals discovered were a variety of flame retardants, which are known to be linked with lung cancer and can have further effects on our nervous system.

These statistics are alarming. Vacuuming, dusting furniture, and washing your hands regularly can all help to remove the dust that is already collecting on the surfaces of your home. However, a high quality air filter in your ventilation system is a good way you can help prevent indoor air pollution from becoming a health hazard to you and your family.

More importantly, these numbers are a call to action for companies worldwide. While regulations are in place, the companies should take it upon themselves to make sure that their production facilities are emitting the least possible amount of these airborne pollutants. They also need to secure the welfare of their employees – some facilities have gone the extra mile and had custom air filters installed.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

How Using a High-Quality Air Filter Can Reduce Energy Consumption

shutterstock_127558127Whether it’s for the environment or your wallet, reducing the amount of energy you spend can make a big difference in the long term. On average, 50% of a commercial building’s energy costs comes from the HVAC system, and nearly 30% of these costs can be attributed to air filtration. Sometimes a simple change can make a big difference, and using a high-quality air filter is an easy and effective way to save big on energy-related expenditure.

How it works

Why is energy required to send air through an air filter? The simple explanation is that the filter creates resistance against the air that flows through it. The resulting drop in air pressure means that the fan has to work a little harder to push the air through the system. With an old or badly designed filter, accumulated dust and other particles create more blockage and thus, the fan needs to run at higher speeds to push the air through it. Using a high-quality air filter allows the fan to function at lower speeds and thereby, consume less energy over its operational life.

Benefits of using less energy

Obviously, reducing energy consumption is an environmentally responsible decision as less fossil fuel is needed to run your home or business. But another environmental benefit is reduced CO2 emissions. Energy needs fuel to create, and it often comes in the form of fossil fuel. The more energy you save, the less fossil fuel you take out of the earth.

The economic benefits are huge as well. Overall, American individuals and businesses save over $500 billion per year with energy efficiency measures like air filters. The savings are immediate and apparent. Studies have shown that if you lower the pressure drop in an air conditioning unit by just one Pascal, you’ll be saving nearly $3 per year. Replacing all of your filters could save your company thousands of dollars a year.

Purchase price versus ownership cost

Needless to say, a higher quality air filter is going to be more expensive than a low-quality one. However, the higher initial investment is nothing compared to the savings a company can reap down the road. Depending on the system, only 15% of the total cost of filtration is spent on the initial purchase of the filter while 70% is spent on energy consumption. It makes sense to look beyond purchase price and consider the long-term operating cost of your air filter.

It’s a smart decision to replace old and low-quality filters with state-of-the-art air filters designed to reduce energy usage. It not only helps out the environment, but also makes a big difference financially.


The Cost of Clean Air. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Energy Efficient. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Top 5 Reasons to be Energy Efficient. (07/20/2012). Retrieved from

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Monday, January 2, 2017

Beware these toxic everyday items

People like to think of their homes as a place of relaxation and safety. And they usually are. But people need to be ever mindful that many of the products that they use every day can actually be hazardous to their health. With the right knowledge and a quality air filter containing activated carbon, homeowners can protect themselves and their families from the potential dangers caused by the following household products.

Cleaning products are the biggest culprits when it comes to everyday items that come with serious risks if not properly handled. Here are some cleaning products people need to be wary of:

  • Bleach. One of the most common and useful cleaning products can irritate the throat and lungs if inhaled, and can even be corrosive to the lining of the mouth, throat, and nose. One should be especially careful not to mix bleach with ammonia, another common cleaning agent, as this can produce a toxic gas that can cause major breathing products and is potentially fatal. It is essential to check your cleaning products, particularly toilet bowl cleaner and glass cleaner, be sure to mark any products with ammonia in them and avoid mixing with bleach.
  • Furniture polish. In aerosol form or in liquid form, the fumes from furniture polish have been found to be very harmful to the respiratory system, causing severe irritation to the nose, throat, lungs, and windpipe. People should be wary of other aerosol cleaners like oven cleaners, as well, which increase the risk of inhalation-related damage.
  • Dish soap. Many dish soaps have added fragrances, typically signifying the presence of phthalates. You will not find this on the label, as companies are not required to disclose the amount of phthalates in their products. These chemicals disrupt endocrine production, leading to lower sperm counts in men. Even worse, phthalates can be absorbed straight into the skin, in which case the chemicals are absorbed straight into the organs.

These are just a few of the most common and obvious household chemicals that can be dangerous to people’s health. However, there are other, less obvious products and items lurking in many people’s homes that could be affecting their long-term health as well. Here are a few examples:

  • Carpets. Not only do carpet cleaning solutions contain a variety of dangerous chemicals, but carpets themselves can also release dangerous toxins. Synthetic carpeting can release a group of chemicals known as VOCs, including acetone, formaldehyde and benzene. At room temperature, carpeting can outgas these chemicals into the air, causing a variety of symptoms including respiratory irritation, headache, and nausea. Long-term exposure can result in damage to the nervous system, liver and kidney function, and even cancer.
  • Air fresheners. These fragrant items contain several dangerous chemicals, including VOCs like formaldehyde. They also emit petroleum distillates, which have been linked to fatal pulmonary edema and respiratory inflammation. The aerosol varieties of air fresheners emit fumes that have been linked with brain cancer and can be highly flammable.
  • Moth balls. These closet fresheners contain naphthalene and P-Dichlorobenzene, which have been known to cause irritation of the eyes, throat, and skin, as well as causing headaches and dizziness. Long-term exposure can result in the formation of cataracts and serious liver damage.

There are a number of ways to reduce people’s exposure to these products. First of all, there are often natural alternatives to these chemicals that work just as well to clean and freshen the home. Installing a Permatron air filter with activated carbon to adsorb odors and fumes is another great way to help make sure that long-term health isn’t sacrificed for the sake of a clean home. Our air filters are designed to help you and your family rest easy, knowing that you are protected from the airborne pollutants and odor/fume irritants that are all around us. Contact us now to find out more about how air filters can protect your home.


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